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Meet NordVPN

Fighting for digital rights with the help of encryption.

We believe the internet could be better than it is today. That’s why we do our best to make it free from censorship and surveillance, as envisioned in 1989 – the year the World Wide Web was invented.

How it all started

NordVPN was born in 2012 when four childhood friends came together to build technology that could liberate the internet. Spending a lot of time in different parts of the world they saw internet censorship, content control and intrusive government surveillance growing faster than ever before. The feeling that the internet was losing its main purpose led to a search of possible solutions on how to overcome all the restrictions.

After setting up the first VPN server and sharing the prototype among their friends, the creators started receiving extremely positive feedback and were encouraged to continue their work. That’s how NordVPN was born, now serving more than 14 million people worldwide.

Who we are now

The NordVPN name was inspired by Nordic ideals of confidence, trust, and innovation. It reflects how we value our customer freedom of choice, how we strive to be innovative with our technology and the way we work.

Over the years, NordVPN became a trusted online security solution, used by over 14 million internet users worldwide. Meanwhile, NordVPN became recognized by the most influential tech sites and IT security specialists. It is now one of the most trusted privacy and security service provider in the world, known for the strongly held values and well thought-out features.

We, at NordVPN, strive to make Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of a truly open internet a reality.

NordVPN manifesto

We, at NordVPN, strive to make Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of a truly open internet a reality. Mr. Berners-Lee imagined the internet as a very different place when he implemented the first successful HTML communication in 1989. It was to be a safe space, free from censorship and surveillance. Unfortunately, as headlines around the world demonstrate daily, this is hardly the case these days.

At NordVPN, our team of mathematicians and technologists wake up every morning with one core goal – to keep the internet as free as possible. This is our passion and why we come to work every day. We strive to provide absolutely uncompromised safety and privacy on the Web. We make sure no one sees what you do online because they shouldn’t. Nor should we, for that matter.

For this reason we do not keep logs. If someone asks us about you, we have nothing to share. We are free internet enthusiasts who believe in a common secure future online. We support fighters for human rights, journalists, volunteers in conflict zones, information activists or anyone who believes in the power of the open Web as Mr. Berners-Lee imagined.

In the spirit of transparency, we’ll do everything we can to keep you updated about all aspects of our service, from server status upgrades to occasional glitches. We aim to create a lasting relationship of mutual trust with you, the customers who share our deeply held values.