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Online distance learning courses - Smotriuchis 

For most modern people, time is literally scheduled by the minute - and the more valuable this, alas, exhaustible resource becomes. However, one cannot do without constant self-improvement and learning new things - this is the most important path to success. At the same time, life shows that higher education is very expensive, full-time additional training is also not cheap, and you will need to forget about free evenings and weekends. And this is where online courses from the educational portal come to the rescue! Distance learning is available in every sense: the price is minimal (among the courses in 20 directions, there are many free ones), distances are not a hindrance, and modern technical solutions make the process of obtaining electronic education easy and generally accessible.
  • Individual pace of learning - you select the frequency and speed of mastering knowledge, comfortably fitting distance education into your work and life schedule.
  • Complete freedom of choice - you yourself determine the curriculum: you can take all online courses and trainings in your profile section to create a comprehensive background, or you can only select a select few who will close the existing gaps in specific topics or help improve your skills.
  • Social equality - the website provides absolutely equal opportunities to get good knowledge at a low cost to all people, regardless of the geography of residence (in the center of the country or in the periphery), physical capabilities and material condition.
  • Professionalism - all courses are created and written by the best experts in the designated areas. You will receive inexpensive practical knowledge firsthand, and upon completion - a certificate.
  • Growth opportunities - if you yourself are a specialist in some industry, you can become our teacher: record your web course or webinar cycle, promote it and make money on it.